Dow Controls Laboratory

Keysight InfiniiVision MSOX3024T

Keysight 34461A 6.5

Keysight E36311A

Keysight EDU36311A Power Supply

KEYSIGHT EDU34456A Digital Multimeter


NI cDAQ-9174

NI 9237 Strain Gauge Data Acquisition Module

NI cDAQ-9210 Thermocouple Data Acquisition Module
NI cDAQ-9263 Analog Output Module
NI 9201 Analog Input Module
Q8-USB Data Acquisition Device
Quanser Volt PAQ Power Supply
Quanser Coupled Tank Experiment
Quanser SRV02 Motor Lab
PCB Piezo Electric Accelerometer
Basic Specifications:
Sensitivity: (±5%)100 mV/g (10.19 mV/(m/s²));Measurement Range: ±50 g pk (±491 m/s² pk);Broadband Resolution: 0.0005 g rms (0.005 m/s² rms);Frequency Range: (±5%)1 to 4000 Hz
Shimpo Handheld Force Gauge
Dwyer Anemometer
Mettler Toledo Analytical Balance
Cole Parmer Hot Plate
Cole-Parmer Viscometer
Hampden AC-DC Power Supply Model BPS-103A
Hampden Synchronous Machine
Hampden DC Machine
Fluid Friction Apparatus
Allow students to investigate the phenomena of laminar, transitional and turbulent flows in pipe systems
Hydraulic Water Bench
Provides a controlled recirculating water supply and accurate flowmeter for hydraulic and fluid mechanics experiments.
Gas Adsorption
The Armfield Fixed Bed Adsorption Column UOP15 apparatus has been designed to study the adsorption characteristics of activated carbon using a mixture of helium and carbon dioxide.
The carbon dioxide is adsorbed to determine the capacity of the fixed bed in addition to the study of adsorption exotherms.
The carbon dioxide is then desorbed to study the associated endotherm.
Emerson Performance Learning Platform
The Performance Learning Platform is fully instrumented with the latest Emerson technology.
The Platform pumps water from Tank 1 to Tank 2 and measures flow, tank level, pressure and temperature through Rosemount, Micro Motion and Fisher devices controlled by the newest DeltaV PK controller.
Gas Compressibility
Corrosion Potentiostat with electrochemical cell, Interface 1010E
Schneider Cyber Physical Systems Laboratory
Keysight InfiniiVision MSOX3024T
Keysight 34461A 6.5
Keysight E36311A
Keysight EDU33212A Waveform Gen
Weller WE1010 Soldering Station
Shell Transport Phenomena Laboratory
Water Bath
Ni cDAQ-9171 Data Acquisition System
NI cdaq-9213 Thermocouple module
techquipment te78 condensation and boiling apparatus
tecquipment td1005 free and forced convection
tecquipment td1002 heat transfer base experimnet
TECQUIPMENT TD1002a linear heat conduction
TECQUIPMENT TD1002b radial heat conduction
TECQUIPMENT TD1002c extended surface heat transfer
tecquipment td360 Heat exchanger base unnit
TECQUIPMENT TD360a concentric tube heat exchanger
TECQUIPMENT TD360b plate heat exchanger
TECQUIPMENT TD360c shell and tube heat exchanger
TECQUIPMENT vdas mkII data acquisition
northslope water chiller large
northslope water chiller small
thermal radiation sensor
stefan-boltzman lamp
200°F–850°F; 100°C–450°C; Accuracy +/- 17°F,9°C; Stability +/- 4°F, 2°