Fabrication Center
Training/Pop-up Classes
I want to learn how to operate the machines in the Fabrication Center and Weld. How do I do that?
We have Popup classes that are offered throughout the semester for the equipment including welding classes as well. These classes will teach you the basics of operating the machine as well as how to safely operate them.
How do I sign up for a Popup class?
Visit our iLab portal to signup for classes.
I need to use the CNC to machine my part. How do I get to use the CNC’s in the Fabrication Center?
Students are not allowed at this time to use the CNC Machines. You will need to submit a Service Request in order to get your part machined. You can schedule a time with the Fabrication Center staff if you would like to video or observe the machining of your part.
Service Request – Fabrication
I need to submit a Fabrication request. How do I do it?
You will need to go to the Fischer EDC Service Request and fill out the information on the form. Please make sure to include your part file and Dimensioned Drawing on the form. A short word document included in the zip file detailing how many parts and what type of material is helpful. Once you have submitted the request bring your material to the Fabrication Center with your name written on the material so we can identify your material.
Do I have to provide the material for my request?
Yes, you will need to provide your own material. The Fabrication Center does have the ability to order material. However, if you need us to supply the material, you will need to provide an account number for us to charge the material cost to.
How long does it take to get my request completed?
The Fabrication Center Processes the request on a First-Come-First-Serve basis. We usually can finish a request in 3 or 4 days. There is an order of priority that we do follow: Undergrad Capstone or class projects, Competition Teams, and then Research. We do have one Machinist dedicated to doing Research requests.
I want to make my own parts. Do I have to submit a Service Request?
No, we encourage the students to make their own parts; however, you will need a Red Badge. You will also have to demonstrate to the Fabrication Center staff that you know how to safely operate the equipment that you will be using. You will need to provide your material and have a Dimensioned Drawing from a CAD software on hand to use the equipment while in the Fabrication Center.
Engineering Graduate/Research Usage
I am an Engineering Grad student how do I gain access to the Fischer EDC Fabrication Center to work on my research?
You must request access to the Fischer EDC and complete all of the Safety Training. This includes obtaining your Red Badge. You will also have to have an active iLabs account so be added into our system to utilize the Fabrication Center.
I’m a Grad student and I have my Red Badge for the Fabrication Center, what is needed to use the machines in the Fabrication Center?
You must request access privileges to the Fischer EDC and complete all of the Safety Training. This includes obtaining your Red Badge. You will also have to have an active iLabs account to be added to our system to utilize the Fabrication Center.
Once you have completed the training you will need to make a reservation in iLab to reserve the piece of equipment that you will be using. When making the reservation you will need to provide an account number for billing. All Grad students are charged for the use of the equipment in the Fabrication Center. The cost for unassisted use in the Fabrication Center can be found on the Engineering Service Center services page. When you arrive for your reservation you will sign-in on the KIOSK outside the Fabrication Center. Once you have signed in, your time will start. Upon completion, you must sign out to end your time.
Where can I purchase materials for my fabrication project?
There are two companies that the FEDC recommends for purchasing materials MSC Industrial Supply and W.W. Grainger, Inc. The point of contact we have for these companies can be found below.
MSC Industrial Supply Co.
Ralph Walton
Government Account Executive
Address: 4540 Kendrick Plaza Drive, Suite 190 Houston, TX 77032
Ph: (713) 862-8665
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.mscdirect.com
W.W. Grainger, Inc
Phillip Lopez
Public Sector Account Manager
Address: 1408 W. Villa Maria Rd Bryan, TX 77801
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.grainger.com