System Requirements:
To run a Certification Exam you need to download and install Tangix TesterPRO Client. Downloading and installing this software takes less than a minute and Administrator privileges are normally not required.
Supported operating systems are Windows XP SP3 and later. Both 32- and 64-bit versions are supported.
Internet access is required when starting and finishing the Exam.
FEDC Requirements:
You are only allowed to take ONLY one exam at a time.
It is recommended that you take the exam within the FEDC to ensure proper completion of the exam.
The FEDC utilizes CAD stations for testing, reserve a CAD station on LibCal in order to take the exam in person.
By completing this form, your exam voucher will be generated and pre-loaded into your Tangix Tester account (ensure your account is made with the extension). Please complete this form 2 business days prior to your exam time.
SolidWorks Certification Exam
SolidWorks certification voucher request form