Rolling Cabinets
The Fischer EDC has additional storage spaces called Rolling Cabinets which are non-locking units. These spaces are given to groups that do not already have a workspace and needs storage for projects. Priority is given to second-semester groups and the units are 18″ x 18″ x 36. A form of ID will be required to utilize the space, only members listed on the team placard will be allowed to utilize the cabinet.
18″ x 18″ x 18″
Designed for usage by:
All types
Reservation Length:
1-3 semesters
How to submit a request:
Please click here to submit an Equipment Reservation Request. If you do not have a Team Account created, please make sure to do so before making the request. You can create an account under the “Services” page. The listed Point of Contact (POC) will need to have an active membership with the FEDC. To apply for membership, please click here.